Do You Know Your Fence Types?

Ranch Fence Sonoma

Ranch and vineyard fencing may remind us of those old dark tinted movies with the protagonist riding on a horse around the property, only stopping at the fence to catch up with either the sheriff serving bad news or his sweetheart from outside.

Coming back to the real world, fences are used for much more practical purposes. Since they serve several different functions they also happen to come in different designs and structures.

Wood Rail Horse Fence

A wood rail horse fence is the most conventional sort of ranch fence. This is the type that has only one railing running in between them and has a short post all through it. However the main drawback that ranch owners faced with this fence were loose nails. Plus spooked horses could run over and break the fence boards very easily.

Pipe Fence

Pipe Fence is yet the most popular fence there is. It includes a piece of metal pipe that is welded firmly into the posts. You can see typically three nails inserted in a line on them. The best part about getting this fence is that it requires very little upkeep and maintenance. The only drawback is that it can prove to be relatively expensive to install.

Electric Wire

The Electric Wire Fence is also commonly referred to as Hot Wire fencing and is only used as a temporary fence. Most ranch owners prefer this because it requires lesser hassle to put up and it is also an inexpensive investment. One of the major problems with the electric wire fence is that it is not durable. Most ranch owners report that the wires break off and fall down from time to time.

PVC Fence

The PVC fence, also known as the Vinyl fence has many advantages. It is made with incredibly visible material and looks incredibly appealing. Moreover it comes in various colors and sizes as well unlike the rest of the fences. The drawbacks are that PVC rails are prone to having their posts pop out when they are pushed on by animals.

Wire Mesh

The Wire mesh fence has more than a couple of varieties. Owners use this because this is by far the easiest fence type to install. It is also preferred because quite conveniently it does not incur much damage if animals like ranch horses were to run into it. The mesh chosen for ranches are typically ones whose holes are smaller than a typical colt’s hove size.

Some fences serve as markers outlining land and property while others are present to protect the animals and livestock. When choosing what fence you want to put up it is essential that you evaluate which option best suits your needs specifically. Check out Cameron & Cameron Inc. for the best ranch and vineyard supplies.

Kari Cameron (33 Posts)

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